Exeter Climate Cafe


Climate change continues - and so do we!

How is the loss of nature and climate change affecting you? Are you feeling worried, enraged, confused, despairing or motivated to act?

Share how you are feeling with like minded people in a friendly space. No booking required, just turn up. No cost except whatever drinks etc you would like to buy.

Exeter Climate Cafe at Exeter Pheonix

Every Wednesday morning at Exeter Phoenix 10.30am - midday

Please check with reception where we will be as sometimes we have a room and sometimes we are in the cafe bar area, usually by the sofas. Please help support the arts centre by purchasing a coffee and/or cake at the cafe bar.

We also have a regular Climate Cafe in Topsham now. This is on the first Monday of each month, 10.30am to 12 midday at The Globe in Topsham.

The Exmouth Climate Cafe happens on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7.30pm - 9pm.

Next date is 17 September 2024 at the Sideshore Eco Hub Any questions text or call Gerry 07805371438

A huge thank you to all our volunteer facilitators for giving their time to run these cafes.

Exeter Climate Cafe at Sylvania Community Stores and Cafe

Outreach cafes:

We are now running extra climate cafes all over the city and would love to hear from you if you would like one. We have been to The Met Office, St David's Church Green Event and Sylvania Community Stores and Cafe. Get in touch today.


Some of our Facilitators

We currently have a pool of facilitators so we can take turns and share the role of having at least two facilitators at every cafe we run. We are trained by the Climate Psychology Alliance and welcome enquiries from new would-be faciliators. You do not have to have a therapeutic background but some of us do. Get in touch today.